Just took a walk through the woods at Bethpage State Park and wanted to show all of the pictures with you guys!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Bethpage State Park Pictures
Just took a walk through the woods at Bethpage State Park and wanted to show all of the pictures with you guys!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Sands Point Long Island - "East Egg" in "The Great Gatsby"
Other Informational Links:
Sands Point Wiki
Sands Point Site
Sands Point Reser
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
It is 1 Hour to my 24th Birthday!
all i can sa is:
Friday, September 19, 2008
Burn After Reading - Movie Review
Spoiler Warning: (read on for beginning plot details, no big spoilers here)
Like how absolutely ridiculous it is for Frances McDormand's character to go through such trials and tribulations only to achieve what she wants, plastic surgery, and does not see any problem with putting her, friends, and her self in danger just so she can have the "perfect" body. How fucking AMERICAN IS THAT! Selfish indulgences, ignoring work practices, going online and meeting guys and sleeping with them, as long as they make conversation...sad, just sad. When she could have everything she ever wants in her own "backyard" with her boss, who has a huge crush on her! But she ignores his advances, and he doesn't make it clear he wants to take her out for a date, so these two get into a mess, that involves not only the CIA, Russian Embassy, and starring the small minded "dork" brilliantly played by John Malkovich.
All in all this was an outstanding smart, funny, witty comedy, if you liked any of the Ocean Eleven series then you will love this film. George Clooney and Brad Pitt make this movie come alive with there perfectly timed punch lines, hilarious dialog, and strong acting prowess.
A must see for any fans of Clooney or Pitt.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
AIG (American International Group) Crisis, Failure and Savior
This is bad for many reasons:
1. Loosing more and more jobs in American, un-employment is up to a staggering 6.1%!
- http://www.aflcio.org/issues/jobseconomy/jobs/jobcrisis.cfm
2. All of the money that we have in our 401k's and trust funds can potentially be lost in the closing of these companies.
3. People are not trusting these companies, and taking ALL of there money out of the hands of these idiots! So they don't loose there money!
I am worried too, I have a 401k and other savings accounts, and I have already lost over a thousand dollars based on my portfolio choices. I choose 10 companies when I started my 401k to "diversify my portfolio" well I guess it wasn't divers enough! Because I am STILL LOSING MONEY! Stupid economy taking all my money...I would love to just pull all of my money out of there, but I can not, since it is a 401k, so I get fined like 10% of it if I want to pull it out...THANKS!
So I have just stopped putting alot of money into the account, I only put in 1-2% of my check, so that I am still buying shares at a very low cost, in hopes that one day when the economy does go back up, AND IT WILL! Then I will be making thousands of dollars off all of the shares I am buying now at such LOW prices...right? I don't know, I think that is how it works...
Either way do not pull out your money folks, the world is not coming to an end, we are still the most powerful, and money rich country in the world, and will continue to do so for at least another 100 years! So no worries!
Do you all think that we are in trouble? Will this cause a Great Depression? Like in the 20's.
5 Reasons that AIG Failed
Closing AIG Would be Catastrophic to the World Economy
AIG Gets Lifeline from the Tax Payer, YOU! (if you are an American)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Governors Comedy Club - Susie Essman
Just got back from Governors Comedy Club in Levittown on Division Ave. What a GREAT place that is! I did not realize we had such a great, classic, "Seinfeld" intro type of comedy club right in my very own back yard, but then again there is probably plenty of hidden treasures on Long Island to find. Well let me tell you about our night at the comedy club.
My girlfriend and I went to this comedy club and we were meeting her Mom, and her Nan's (grandma's) friends as well. My girlfriend works late so we arrived nearly an hour late, and only caught the second half of Susie Essman's show, but holy shit was it funny! She kept talking about sex, and how she likes chubby guys, and making fun of every one in the crowd, she even called this big fat guy, "YOU FAT FUCK!" It was hysterical! And a very cool memory to actually see Susie Essman, who is a classic on Curb Your Enthusaism, Larry David's comedy masterpiece!
Check out Curb Your Enthusiasm, if you haven't heard of it, it's only on HBO, but it is a truley the funniest show since Seinfeld. If you are a Seinfeld fan you MUST SEE Curb!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
US Presidential Tool-ections of 2008: Obama vs. McCain
- Shut the fuck up! We all know that none of you are going to change SHIT!
- Who gives a flying fuck what you have to say it is all bull shit!
- This is a fucking nation wide popularity contest, see who gets voted best based on biased facts.
- We only know exactly what they want us to know, they control there image to match there marketing research as to what Americans want in a leader.
- They tell you what you want to hear! DO NOT BELIEVE THE HYPE!
- Global Health Insurance, that will be the day!
- Pull out of Iraq, Save our Troops! It'll never happen, we still have troops in Germany and Japan! They are just called Army or Naval Bases..
- Abortion is wrong! Let woman choose! Babies get born, not your call...
- Save the World, Go Green! Prepare for Global Warming! - Who cares? It will not change! We are already FUCKED!
- Honestly...the world is hurling through space at thousands of miles per an hour, and we manage to live, can't we just be happy that we wake up in the morning? 3d Rendering of the End of the Planet (Asteroid Style)
"Who Really Owns These Candidates?
In 2007 I reviewed Daniel Estulin's True Story of the Bildergerg Group, an expose of that group and two related monster organizations of the ruling elite, the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission. With control of central banks, discount rates, interest rates and gold prices, the core members of these organizations, Estulin demonstrates, have set out to loot the planet-and they are doing just that. The current mortgage crisis and ensuing global economic meltdown, as I stated in my review, is due to the stupendous success of the Big Three's strategy for planetary economic hegemony as the cacophony of their carefully engineered global economic cataclysm reverberates across America and around the world. It was never about home buyers who didn't read the fine print when taking out liar loans. It was always about silver-tongued, ruling elite politicians and financial systems which ultimately and skillfully stole and continue to steal governments from people and replace them with transnational corporations. No, I'm not making that up. One of the explicit goals of the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commision is the ultimate dissolution of nation-states to be replaced by global corporate hegemony.
In addition to Estulin's excellent expose of the Bilderberg Group, I highly recommendTrilateralism: The Trilateral Commission and Elite Planning for World Management, edited by Holly Sklar (1980) An overview of the book may be read at theThird World Traveler website.
The Trilateral Task Force Report of 1977, "Toward A Renovated International System" states:
The public and leaders of most countries continue to live in a mental universe which no longer exists-a world of separate nations-and have great difficulties thinking in terms of global perspectives and interdependence."
It is absolutely atrocious the amount of funds these gentleman are rewarded for making a campaign to be the President of America. I believe the system is back words, I believe we need to find a strong willed, righteous ruler, that will bring the land of America to it's glory days once again!
If you didn't get it yet, I am not going to vote, and NEITHER should YOU! Don't vote! STRIKE!
Let's have our own political rally, and change the system forever!
What do you all think? is it just me?
More Sources of Inspiration to NOT VOTE!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Shinnecock Pow Wow in Southampton
"It's a celebration of Native people and of Shinnecock ancient history here on Long Island".
Read More About it Here
There was a lot to do and see at the Pow wow, there was more than 100 vendors from more than 60 tribes that were selling their wares, including native foods, art, crafts, jewelry, books, music CDs, beaded work and leather goods. Dancing and drumming competitions were going on throughout the day as well. The categories include the Eastern women's blanket dance, Eastern men's war dance, men's fancy dance, ladies' fancy shawl dance, grass dance and jingle dress dance. It was all very interesting and a very different site to see. This is held every year on labor day weekend in the Shinnecock preserves.
(click on the images below for a larger view)
There was also a man there that had a handmade bow and arrow machine! He sat on it and carved wood to make bow and arrows! This is the peice the Indians used back in the day to make the bow and arrows!
Here are some of the bow and arrows he had made on the machine!
And heres a wooden sculpture he designed!!
The Eagle War Hawk Cries Loud "Pow! Dance! Pow! Dance!"
This colorful outfitted dancer is from the new rave city Native American group, represent in.
Carrying the ancient blue fire torch, get the Cerosene!
Great picture of a church town clock in South Hampton.
Some cool art work in the back of some stores in Southampton.
Watch this video of some young dancers that are dancing around a fire!